Web我们在新建一个popupwindow之后 关键就在这里 显示的时候规定显示的位置 // 这里是获取需要显示popwin的view的位置,然后使popwin显示在其上方 int [] location = new int [2]; rv_menusearch.getLocationOnScreen(location); popsearch.showAtLocation(rv_menusearch, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, location[0], … Webprivate void ListViewItem_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MyListView.SelectedItems.Clear(); ListViewItem item = sender as ListViewItem; if (item != null) { item.IsSelected = true; MyListView.SelectedItem = item; } } private void …
如何将ListView的多个选择绑定到ViewModel? - IT宝库
Web5 apr. 2014 · To navigate through all the selected items, you can loop between them in this way: For Each itm As ListViewItem In ListView1.SelectedItems If itm.Selected Then For i As Integer = 0 To itm.SubItems.Count - 1 str += itm.SubItems(i).Text Next End If Next In this way you build a string with all the values of all the selected items. WebI'm trying to perform some actions on the selected items in a ListView on a Windows Forms application from a background thread. I've got a delegate method in my code like so: This is being called elsewhere on a background thread using the following: However whenever the code enters the foreach loo cs and l cpa
ListView.SelectedItems Property (System.Windows.Forms)
Web8. You can modify the element itself rather than replacing it with another one, because ListViewItem is a class, so it's a reference type. In order to do this follow these steps: get currently selected item and save it to variable like this: ListViewItem selectedItem = lstVwSNMPv3Settings.SelectedItems [0]; Web20 aug. 2012 · It should be MyListView.SelectedItems [0]. MyObject foo = (MyObject)MyListView.SelectedItems [0]; You should probably add some checks if SelectedItems contains actual items and the SelectedItem object is indeed a MyObject, but you get the idea. Also if you select a single item there is SelectedItem, I think. Share Follow Web15 okt. 2009 · You can obtain the ListViewItem objects using listView1.Items [index], or you can instead use ListView.SelectedItemsCollection to get the list of Items. Once you have the ListViewItem you can use the ImageIndex and ImageList properties to get the image. Something along the line of ListViewItem selectedItem = listView1.SelectedItems [0]; dynasty warriors mmd dl